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Management Plans

Managed Forest Law Plans (MFL)

Wisconsin’s Managed Forest Law (MFL) is a landowner incentive program that is administered by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. MFL encourages sustainable forestry on private woodlands in Wisconsin. As a certified plan writer, I work with landowners’ to develop a MFL management plan that incorporates the landowner’s objectives, sustainable timber harvesting, wildlife habitat, water & soil quality protection, recreation and aesthetics. In return landowners receive a property tax reduction.

Conservation Activity Plans (CAP)

Conservation activity plans (CAP) are developed for landowners interested in applying for cost share assistance from the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) to implement management activities such as habitat development, tree planting, erosion control & forest management planning. CAP plans can also be used to enroll in the MFL program.

Forest Stewardship Plans

Forest Stewardship Plans are used for long-term stewardship of nonindustrial private
forest lands when landowners are not interested in regulatory programs such as MFL and NRCS. These plan are non-regulatory but are recognize as by both State and Federal governments for financial assistance if desired. The Forest Stewardship Program provides assistance to owners of forest lands and other lands where good stewardship will enhance and sustain the long-term productivity of multiple forest resources. Both MFL and CAP plans meet this standard.

Wildlife Habitat Plans

Wildlife habitat plans are used to address both specific habitat goals of a landowner as well as broad habitat objectives. These plans may or may not include timber harvesting recommendations.